8th Grade Idea Incubator Culmination

Bre Caruso, Science/Technology
What problems do you hope to solve? Our students started this term by dreaming big and discussing solutions to real world problems that span continents, impact them personally, or are in the community. In the Idea Incubator students reflected on problems that they could solve in the categories of Academic, Cultural, and Environmental before designing a solution that integrated a microbit (a small microprocessor). Throughout the term they've gone through multiple iterations of their designs and made various prototypes to improve their product. 
This morning students took their products to the experts! Students created 5-10 minute presentations that included a final prototype demonstration, a professional slide deck and most importantly they pitched this to a panel of experts who work in various tech, engineering or entrepreneurial fields. After hearing from each of our innovators, the experts sent one group from the categories of Academic, Cultural, and Environmental to the “Grand Pitch”. This took place in front of all their peers, the collective experts, and various adults at SGS.   

Products ranged from devices to negate procrastination, conflict resolution devices, water source detection tools and so many more ideas! We are incredibly proud of our innovators for designing with empathy, persevering through challenges, and presenting with poise and power. Way to go 8th Grade! 
Located in the Central District, Seattle Girls' School is an independent school for girls and gender nonconforming students in grades 5-8. Our mission is to inspire and develop courageous leaders who think independently, work collaboratively, learn joyfully, and champion change.