THE FINAL CURTAIN: 8th Grade Production, The Final Culmination

By Luzviminda Uzuri “Ms. Lulu” Carpenter, 5th-8th Performance & Media Arts (PMA) Teacher

Please join us at Rainier Arts Center in Columbia City (3515 South Alaska Street) at 5:00 pm (4:30 pm doors open) to honor our lovely 8th graders as they share their final culmination of their SGS career. 

Tonight, our graduating class of 2023 will celebrate one to four years of media and technology education through the viewing of a collectively created film. There will be some who may laugh while others cry and others will just marvel at how far they have come, but all will come to eventually call this film their “legacy movie.”  Their last gift to the Seattle Girls’ School (SGS) community will be the “final curtain call” or their final culmination. We hope they will come back to watch this legacy movie many years from now.  

Currently, it is a tradition that has been passed down generation after generation; some of the tales are what legends are made of.  Our development team has started to invite alumni back to watch their middle school antics as they act out tragedy, drama, comedy, and mystery.  Today, during a special community meeting, we held our annual all-school Honors Assembly where each student graduating was given a tribute by another fellow student from the 7th grade.  It was heartwarming to witness peers giving gratitude for small and big ways our 8th graders have been leaders these past years. We ended with watching four (4) legacy movies; some of the groups were large and some small, but all were mighty in their hope and goals. As the weeks passed, teachers and advisors watched with pride as students stressed and strategized around various challenges.  

The pride comes from them utilizing many years of learning from all their classes to execute a huge project that required their 21st Century Core Skills; we had Producers, Directors, Budget Managers, Logistics Managers, Equipment Managers, Props & Costumes Managers, Screenwriters, Editors, Cinematographers, Peer Mediators, Continuity Managers, and PR Managers/Poster Artists.  They were a full fledged team!  Every day in class looked like a film production office with the mess and organization of creativity and skills! 

Some of them started as 5th Graders creating superheroes, sheroes, and queeroes for their ComiCon Culmination and others started in 6th Grade, as Science Fiction characters for their Avatar Project building worlds, writing scripts for short videos, and acting out improv scenes.  Still others came in 7th grade to learn audio engineering basics to record parody songs and make music videos using DSLR cameras for the first time.  While others started just this year bringing their humor, skills, and willingness to join a tight knit community.  Whether they came this year or started in 5th grade, they unified to struggle with care over consensus decision making, genre picking, plot drafting, screenwriting, acting, directing, producing, editing, and finally, marketing!  

If you have not RSVP’d please click here, so we have an accurate count of our guests for seats in the theater and ice cream for your bellies.  See you soon! Lights, Camera, Action…. And then fade to black… The credits are rolling soon, as Graduation peaks around the corner.  May they continue to struggle with love over the things they care passionately about and hold their heads proudly at the end of a long process with a final product that shines as brightly as they do when the lights go down and their media is on the screen before them.
Located in the Central District, Seattle Girls' School is an independent school for girls and gender nonconforming students in grades 5-8. Our mission is to inspire and develop courageous leaders who think independently, work collaboratively, learn joyfully, and champion change.